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52 Miniatures

52 Miniatures

Edward James is a fellow who knows how to build a webpage. They enjoy the content this person creates on youtube, and want to support the channel. This is their Edward James. They have quite a socialist(?) outlook on this whole thing, with all the tiers and stuff. Everyone here will get the same “perks.” Just because you haven’t got a lot of money to spare shouldn’t mean that you miss out on stuff. What you can spare is up to you and the size of your wallet. The person understands that there should be carrots involved, but hey, this page is founded to support their work with 52Miniatures and for those of you who want to support the channel. Not something that should swallow up more of their time, thus leaving them less time for channel content. The person is very grateful for your moneys, and your donations will go towards covering their channels expenses and helping the channel grow. Live long and prosper.

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