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Ada Pembroke

Ada Pembroke

Ada Pembroke is inviting you to join their astrology learning community. People really like to throw around the word “community” these days, but their patrons and they have built something really special. As they write this, one of the members of their group is practicing their horary skills. They don’t teach horary, but someone in the group wants to learn how to use astrology to find lost objects, so they’re helping them out by talking about things they’ve lost, so they can try to track them down. (As a group, they seem to have a real problem with losing scissors.) To them, that’s what community is. It’s about coming together around a common interest–in this case, astrology–and working together to help everyone grow. There are people who have been members of their community for years, and they’ve watched their patrons grow from complete beginners to, in the case of one of their patrons, giving a lecture at a professional astrology organization. Making a good astrology education accessible is important to them. With their patrons’ support, they are able to offer free astrology lectures on their Discord server twice a month that are open to the public.

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