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Adrian Homersham Expressive Watercolour

Adrian Homersham Expressive Watercolour

Adrian Homersham Expressive Watercolour is presenting a series of tutorials and demonstrations that will encourage viewers to paint dramatic, loose and expressive watercolours that fully exploit the unique media. The aim of this group is to provide a series of tutorials and demonstrations that will encourage subscribers to paint dramatic, loose and expressive watercolours that fully exploit the unique media. A key element of this creator’s process is design and experimentation and in addition therefore to their painting technique videos they will be presenting a series of videos demonstrating how they develop and abstract a scene from its original source all the way to the creation of the painting. There will also be videos discussing pigments and materials; and videos that discuss the many artists that have influenced this creator’s work and may well provide viewers with ideas and inspiration. A majority of the video demonstrations presented here will be exclusive to Patreon subscribers.

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