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afikra | عفكرة

afikra is a grassroots movement that has evolved into a global community dedicated to exploring the history and culture of the Arab world. Starting in 2014 in NYC, their mission has always been two-pronged: cultivate curiosity and to build community. They’ve hosted intimate salon-style events all over the world that feature in-depth presentations on topics related to the Arab world, given by members of their community. What makes afikra different is that their programs and platform is designed to engage their community to ask their own questions and provide an open community of peers who support each other as they all look for the answers together. Their vision is to build a global community of curious minds who are interested in promoting intellectualism and deepening our communal knowledge of the Arab region. While their work relies on the efforts of dozens of volunteers worldwide who give their time and ingenuity, their core administrative team led by them is based in Beirut and works on afikra Full Time.

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