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Always Take Notes

Always Take Notes

Always Take Notes is a bi-monthly podcast that lifts the lid on the business and craft of putting pen to paper (or, more realistically, fingers to keyboard). Sometimes, however, passion alone is not enough. Inspiration, advice, techniques and a few hard facts come in handy too, and that’s where they come in. Created by, for and about writers, Always Take Notes features Rachel Lloyd and Simon Akam as co-hosts, who talk candidly to journalists, publishers, screenwriters, novelists or agents about their work and career paths. Hear novelists describe how they develop characters; editors explain what makes a pitch exciting; and agents outline the business end of getting the best possible book deal. As writers themselves, they tackle issues that often vex them and their contemporaries, including how to get paid on time (or, indeed, at all), diversity in the industry, and the finer workings of writer-agent-editor relationships. They’ve had some fascinating conversations with people Rachel’s favourites include this one, in which Booker prize-winning novelist Anne Enright talks about her refusal to write at a desk, and this one, where journalist Sirin Kale sheds light on how she wrangles interviews. Simon will always have a soft spot for this episode, in which they spoke to the military historian Antony Beevor, or this one in which he interviewed foreign correspondent Christina Lamb. You can listen to all episodes of Always Take Notes on Anchor, iTunes or on their website.

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