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amos is over the past twenty-odd years, has had the privilege to work with a dozen programming languages on all three major desktop operating systems. They’ve worked on compilers, web services, single-page apps, game engines (and games!), implemented network protocols, file formats, patching algorithms, etc.They just can’t seem to stay in one place. But there’s one constant: when a problem presents itself, they commit until they’re satisfied that it is properly understood and solved. And since they love sharing and teaching, it usually makes for a great story. Some of them end up on their blog, the others as Twitter threads.They feel like its important to demystify technology – to not hand-wave the scary parts away. To keep digging until you have at least a rough understanding of what is going on. Maths is so much more rewarding when you see the connection between all the different fields – and software is no different.You can find examples of writing on their blog, for example the article about Rust modules and files, declarative memory management, or the one about efficient game updates. That last one was so fun to write! It was even translated to Japanese.Researching complex subjects and explaining them simply is their favorite thing to do. So they’re going to do more of it. They’re looking for support so that they can blog more often, and more in-depth. To make entire series on a variety of subjects. They believe you can make anything interesting, no matter how mundane or scary it seems at first.

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