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Anthony Toner

Anthony Toner

Anthony Toner is a songwriter, musician and writer based in Belfast in Northern Ireland. Like every independent artist, he’s keeping his ship afloat single-handedly, developing the creative side of his work as well as the business side, the marketing and the hustle. Everything from writing lyrics and recording percussion to designing posters and booking dates. These are precarious times for independent musicians, and he’s hoping that a deeper relationship with fans and friends can allow him to expand what he does, with your support but also allow something to you in return. He’s working on exclusive treats for his Patreon subscribers including advance mailings of new CDs and merchandise, subscribers-only video content, previously unreleased material, behind-the-scenes footage and pictures, some Patreon-only writings and early access to tickets for shows and events. Supporters can offer support at different levels, depending on their budget but they believe him, it’s all very much appreciated.

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