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App Unwrapper

App Unwrapper

App Unwrapper is writing iOS game reviews, previews and walkthroughs for their website since 2011. They’ve had more than 25 million views and have helped many a lost player escape rooms they might otherwise be trapped in forever. They enjoy doing this and want to continue doing this for a long time. They’re honored that so many people think of them first when looking for a walkthrough, and the positive feedback keeps them going. But this work is very time-consuming. A single walkthrough could take several days to write, since they strive for quality and add photos and/or video as necessary. Unfortunately, they can’t devote as much time as they have been without making some money. They do not take payment from developers for reviews because they want them to be unbiased so you, the reader, can trust them. They do have ads on their site, but they’re very unpredictable and unreliable. They also don’t like bothering their readers with tons of ads, as they know how annoying they can be. They would love to remove some, if not all, of those ads and offer a more enjoyable experience. They would also love to have a makeover so the site loads faster and runs smoother. They want to continue to provide their readers more of the high-quality walkthroughs and reviews they’re used to. By supporting them, you can see even more, including more requests.

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