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Archaia Istoria

Archaia Istoria

Archaia Istoria is teaching people about the end of the Classical Era of ancient Greece and the rise and fall of the Hellenistic period. In their studies of ancient history, both secondary and tertiary, they found that when it came to the study of ancient Greece only really two periods were given any love: The Peloponnesian War and Alexander the Great. Now out of 800 years of independent Greek rule these two periods are just a fraction of the whole story, the highlights taken without the context or aftermath. They wished to fill in these gaps. So they took Alexander the Great, a figure we all surely know, and decided to expand from before and after his reign. His conquests changed the face of the world from Europe to the Middle East to India, but his real legacy would be his successors, the Diadochi. The empires they would form from dividing the spoils would shape the world for centuries to come afterwards. But more importantly it is also fundamental to understand how Alexander got into a position of power, with such a well disciplined army, at such an opportunity to conquer to Persians. For this they need to look at his father, Philip II of Macedon. A man who turned Macedonia from a backwater domain of the Greek world torn apart from foreign interests and civil war into the richest and supreme hegemon of Greece. All within just 20 years. Thus they can see that Alexander the Great is merely one part of a much greater picture, a much grander story. They wish to tell.

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