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ArdelleVision is Ardelle, who intends to use the channel to express their Vision for a place people can go to (hopefully) find inspiration to better their lives with or without ADHD. When they started this channel their modo was “if I can do it, anyone can,” because they had such low self esteem. They thought why not give this Youtube thing a try. HAHA. It had been a dream of theirs for literally years. “I’ll do this for myself and if anyone cares to listen to what I have to say than they are meant to be here.” They prayed about it, and gave it to God. They only hope that by sharing their story to better their life…they inspire others to do the same with theirs. They want this community to be a place full of Visionaries who hope to better their lives and to work on themselves despite how things look! They want a place where everyone can connect together! They learn so much from all of their fans. Ardelle is imperfect and full of mistakes, and they try to be as transparent as they can. They are not an expert at anything, and they’re sure many can relate. They stumble through life, but they have always found a way to keep going. Even though they were full of many unfinished projects and they quit more things than they can count, there was always this inner voice inside with a small iota of belief that they could do something…ANYTHING with their life. Faith the size of a mustard seed…are they right? That small level of faith got them to the point where they kept going despite the slow growth they had. They’d love for this Patreon to be a safe place for all of their fans to come together and talk about their ups and downs on their ADHD journey, and for anyone who wants to support their work so they can grow and create even better content.

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