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ARHDian is 28 years old and a Nanotechnology student from the Netherlands. They like to make art and stream on Twitch what they do. Although of course they draw because they want to get better and because they love drawing, they secretly started doing this to get a grip on their burn-out ^^ They like to draw random characters, occasional fan art, comics, and whatever else comes their way. When their fiance kicked them on Twitch over a year ago, they really didn’t expect to like it at all, but they have never been SO happy to be wrong. They’ve been blessed with a wonderful community. Everyone is really sweet and laid-back, and the casual stream sessions have really made their life better, and also allow them to draw almost every day. Although right now they can only do this as a hobby, and every minute of their free time goes into it, they hope that one day they might be able to scrape together enough support to do this as a part-time (or perhaps even full-time >/////<) job, so they get to improve their art more, and have more fun with all of them. They're really grateful for the support and the positivity they're already getting from their fans, and they think it's time to finally launch their Patreon to make it easier to support them, and to make it easier to give back to their fans as well. They're a terrible social media noob, so forgive them for being slow at making this a proper page. They will think of nicer rewards in the future, post milestone updates along their journey, and make the page look more epic ^^ They've had this page sit on the interwebs empty and unlaunched for over a year now. It's time they start somewhere, and this is it. They hope their fans will enjoy their time here ^^ Let's make this a long-lasting journey.\n

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