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Ben Thornewill

Ben Thornewill

Ben Thornewill is making music. They have hundreds of songs that have never seen the light of day, ballads that haven’t found a home, orchestral pieces that exist in this strange world of whimsy and pop songs that they chip away at every day. They wanted to create a patreon page instead of something like a kickstarter because making music is an ongoing process. They want their audience to be part of the process. Be their audience as they test out new songs and covers. Hear early performances and early demos. They grew up playing for friends and family from the very beginning. Playing bits and pieces of songs, new arrangements, new lyrics and feeling what works and what resonates. That’s what they want to create here: a space for sharing songs before they make it out into the world. Throughout 2020 they “noodled” almost every weekday at noon… here you’ll find mixes of many of their best improvisations and pieces from the great noodle adventure! They would love to have you along for the ride.

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