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Bettina Judd

Bettina Judd

Bettina Judd is a scholar, poet, and multimedia artist. They are the author of patient.a collection of poems on the legacy of medical experimentation on Black women. They are currently working on a project titled most recent common ancestor. This multimedia poetry and performance project is about mother. They have no other way to say it but to structure the previous sentence in that manner. You could say that they are interested in mitochondrial eve. She emerges enough in this project for that to be true and they’ve explained the project in that frame before but in the development of this poetic, visual, sound reflection on mother they have found something else of interest. Our desire for her and the desire to inhabit her skin. most recent common ancestor, is a deeply personal project for them. It involves travel, extended periods of writing time, studio space (both sound and visual arts studio space), medical care, and materials. By being a patron, you will be a part of an exclusive community where you will have front row access to the development of most recent common ancestor and other developing and ongoing projects such as Feelin: Creative Practice, Pleasure Politics, and Black Feminist Thought, and the patient. poems website and companion project, The Anarcha, Betsey, Lucy Resource Build. As a contributor to their Patreon you will have access to poems, images, papers, and sound projects in progress. You will be able to see them, the work, in its developmental stages and have access to early releases of all their projects and related events. You will also have opportunities to video chat with them one on one about any and everything, really. But most of all, you will be a crucial participant in deeply impactful work that has already influenced so many.

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