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BlackShadow993 is inviting you to join an incredible community at BS Inc. They’ve been recording Let’s Play series pretty much every single day since 2011, and it makes them proud that they’ve continued this hobby for so long and in that time they’ve got to meet and know some amazing people. For every video they record and publish there are many who are willing to spend their time watching the carnage. For that they have the admiration of the viewers. They’ve recorded just about every type of game genre you can think of but Survival Horror has been their staple. It’s been a pleasure to bring a lot of Retro games when gaming has changed so much. It can be easy to forget our roots and being able to show old entries to series they still enjoy today is always fascinating. It’s only because of the support they’ve had since they started that they still record to this day. Which brings them to what you’re reading right now. They do want to make more of the channel that has been built over several years and through countless hours of work. They want to create the best content they possibly can. They want you to join an incredible community at BS Inc. No, they’re not standing behind you. Yet. Everything they’ve done since 2011 from buying recording equipment and purchasing games to improving their PC they’ve done out of their own pocket (a scary thought), they’ve never believed in paywalls to content and always asked their viewers for feedback and to provide the content they want. This can be the machine which drives that. Together BS Inc. can become something more and know that any help they pledge would mean the world to them. They’ll see you in their next adventure!

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