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Brie the Chi

Brie the Chi

Some days, you just need to look at extreme toy Chihuahua content and you don’t want to have to explain why. Brie the Chi is here for you.

Brie was rescued from a puppy farm three years ago and their owner set up an Instagram account in Brie’s name.

My hooman Limda records my progress with photos and videos to show the fun I am having now. I also like to make my fans smile and cheer them up if they have had a bad day. We also include stories of other rescue dogs that we take in and help find new homes. 

This page is all about extra stuff, behind the scenes of my videos and photos. Me and my family learning new things, out on walks, unedited stuff. The Brie daily diary and Limda gossip will be coming up in future as a new tier. 

From Brie the Chi Extra’s Patreon intro

If you’re still reading at this point, you get it. No need for us to explain.

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