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Bruce Fummey

Bruce Fummey

Bruce Fummey is making short videos to help folk understand Scottish history, and plan days out and places to visit in Scotland. Bruce is not an historian. Bruce has been a teacher, a stand-up comedian and a tour guide. Bruce hopes they all come through in Bruce’s videos. Bruce is inviting supporters to join Bruce’s community, give Bruce opinions (as well as hard earned cash) and support the cost of making videos to spread the word about Scotland’s story. Bruce’s ultimate goal would be to spend all his time thinking about and making entertaining and informative videos to spread the word about Scotland. To be honest Bruce will probably do more than that, but Bruce doesn’t want to over promise. These videos are, of course, free to view on YouTube, but there will be some content that’s released here just for patrons. and other content that’s released early for patrons. Bruce is also keen to hear what extras supporters would like as a patron and supporter to make them feel special.

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