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BTWN News is a unified network of doctrinally sound podcasts for the edification and enjoyment of the listeners. After spending years on YouTube addressing and refuting the arguments of all manner of skeptics and atheists, on April 1, 2014 Len and Tim decided to start the Bible Thumping Wingnut podcast, but not just to refute arguments, but to equip other Christians to do the same while also engaging in discussions of doctrine and worldview issues. In the late spring of 2016 the podcast started to grow into a network. First it was Conversations from the Porch and Semper Reformanda Radio. Today the BTWN Network continues to grow featuring 10 God-glorifying podcasts with more on the way. The heart of the BTWN Network is to continue to introduce the audience to great resources that will equip them to live a Christian worldview and engage a lost and dying world for Christ to the glory of God.

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