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C Stuart Hardwick

C Stuart Hardwick

CS Stuart Hardwick is Stuart Hardwick. They write Science Fiction. They also write science articles and “hard fantasy.” They create art, grow bananas, and occasionally kick back at IKEA, writing in one of their phonied up living rooms with typewriter sounds Clacking from their laptop. Stuart has been very fortunate with their writing. They’ve won some prestigious awards, become a regular in Analog magazine, and appeared on covers with big names like Orson Scott Card, Mike Resnick, and Robert Heinlein (whose moldering corpse was cybernetically reanimated for the occasion). They’ve gotten to crawl around shiny spacecraft, signed books with Larry Niven, talked story ideas with the late Jerry Pournelle, and eaten dinner with George R. R. Martin! And to their delight and amazement, people seem to like their work. One ready compared them to the author’s literary hero, Ursula K. Le Guin. They even got a “go cat, go!” from Spider Robinson. The pro-rate is only six cents a word, and there’s a lot of other work that takes away from actual butt-in-chair, stare-at-screen-till-blood-comes-forth writing time. The lovely goblins have baked up several delicious support tiers with rewards including a commemorative Analog 90th pin, a custom spacecraft coffee mug, and more–so be sure to check those out!

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