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Camille Regan Writes

Camille Regan Writes

Camille Regan Writes is trying to recapture the promise. Once upon a time they wrote things, and they were pretty darn good at it. They’ve been an editor for well over two decades, interning then apprenticing (between educational stints) beginning in 1993, then full-time adult work from 2000 onward. They’ve written nonfiction professionally; they have one MA in Creative Writing and one in Lit Crit and Translation Theory; they have about 60 percent of a PhD thesis on the linguistics of SFF, and they have [somewhat complicated views on] the Oxford comma (nuanced, but primarily that it would be better if we called it the serial comma more often, so we can confuse it with the appositive comma less). Still terrified of putting themselves out there. But learning. Trying. Growing. It’s a journey. They’d love to have you along!

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