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Carrie Lloyd

Carrie Lloyd

Carrie Lloyd is an atheist turned pastor, journalist turned author, speaker turned podcaster, actor turned Life-Coach. They have a penchant for adventure, and a witty banter over a cup of Rose Green Tea. What more would you ask from a single Brit living in California who has chosen to not have sex until marriage in the era of LBGTQ+, hookups, Hinge, and a pandemic? What you’ll find here are the raw tales, the behind the scenes stories of life, love, laughter, and a lassez-faire approach to ungentlemanly behavior. As a woman who is obsessed with character and freedom, they hope to be a kind friend, someone you can approach with any question. May this be a new platform in which they get to stretch their wings, and tell you more tales without restriction. Their opinions are their own, and are by no means a reflection on anyone they are associated with, this is said with intention, as they aim to not just talk to the church anymore, but the world at large.

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