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Chaotic Creations

Chaotic Creations is a podcast where your co-hosts Harper and Darby take weird prompts and make weird characters in multiple tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) systems. Every week, your co-hosts give each other a strange prompt for a TTRPG character, and by the end of the episode, you create a character with a fully fleshed-out backstory. Along the way, you’ll always find plenty of tangents, puns, and nerdy pop culture references. Harper and Darby have been friends since college and have over 12 years of TTRPG experience between them. They are brought together by their mutual love of Pokmon and overly-detailed character backstories in role-playing games. Their favorite part of TTRPGs is making new characters, and they want to take you along for the ride. You can check them out on Twitter and Instagram. You can listen to them now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and almost anywhere else podcasts are found. They are also a proud partner of Critical Misses, and you can find them creating content there in 2021. They hope you’ll join them.

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