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Chaotic Harmony

Chaotic Harmony

Chaotic Harmony was founded in 2016 and began as a simple visual kei merch store. In 2017, they began booking Japanese artists at anime conventions in the US, and shortly after started to kick their YouTube channel into gear. Currently, their YouTube channel is one of the biggest hubs for original Japanese music content, featuring the artists themselves, from a variety of genres including visual kei, J-rock, idols, and J-pop. With the channel, they hope to bring original content to you from the artists themselves in an effort to close the gap between you, the international fan base, and the artists. The Chaotic Harmony channel includes not only event announcement videos but their prolific Get to Know series, which allows the fans to ask questions which can be answered by the artists on video. From here, they plan to make the channel grow even bigger with content that is not only original but unique. All of their videos require a lot of time, mostly involving the translations and subtitles. Most of their videos are recorded by the artists in Japan, then sent to them later, meaning that they don’t always have control over the original quality. They hope to eventually be able to invest in high quality editing software to do what they can to improve the quality of the videos.

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