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Chase Holfelder

Chase Holfelder

Chase Holfelder is a singer-songwriter from Raleigh, NC. Many moons ago, he was a member of a touring pop-rock band. Having experienced the wrath of the music industry first-hand, he is ecstatic that something like Patreon has come along. Through this site, you have the ability to directly support your favorite hardworking musicians (hopefully him!), making it easier for them to provide you with more content you love. Think of his Patreon page as a digital tip-jar. If you were to randomly pass him performing in the street and think you would put a dollar in his guitar case, then this is the new 21st century way of doing just that. Donating even just $1 per new video gets you exclusive goodies. And don’t worry, Patreon is super secure, and you can easily set a monthly budget so you know you won’t tip too much.

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