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Chilled Moose

Chilled Moose

Chilled Moose is Laura. They’re the creator of all things a bit creative and out there around football and gaming, including the partially animated Alba-Audace series on YouTube. Now a bit of background. Firstly, they don’t have a fancy history in art, graphic design or even game development but they have a huge amount of ideas and love for the community they see online and around them. Everything they have done thus far they have taught themselves since November 2017 in order to challenge what’s possible with the sports/gaming creator categories. They pride themselves on innovation and change, pushing the boundaries where they can to bring you exceptional quality and entertainment and as they are blessed with a vivid imagination they want to bring a little of what they envisage to you in an engaging, fun and exciting way. Their two main goals as a creator are to provide you with exceptional quality videos, podcasts, articles, streams and graphics and continue to create and produce innovative projects that will entertain people over a sustained period of time. They’ve set up the Patreon page in order to support the channels, enable them to grow and focus their time on bringing you more content, the freedom afforded by this ensure that they can do this more consistently and proactively. Over the next year, they want to expand into multiple channels and deliver top quality content, work with other creators on bigger and bolder projects and bring the gaming and sports community further together in a fun, light-hearted and cohesive manner. Consistency is the key to what they’re trying to build and they can only do that with your support! So a final note to those who have embraced them thus far and continue to show fantastic backing with all their endeavors. Thank you for spreading the word about their work and what they’re trying to achieve. Every person who supports them means they can invest back into the channels and bring you bigger, BETTER content. This is obviously an experiment in public and a big part of this is to collaborate with a community that want to make things just a little bit better. They’re open to discussing anything 🙂 (within reason, obviously!).

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