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Christ Centered Gamer is a site that looks at video games from two viewpoints. They analyze games on a secular level which will break down a game based on its graphics, sound, stability and overall gaming experience. This aspect attracts visitors of all religions to the site to see how fun a game is and if it’s worth buying. If you’re concerned about the family friendliness of a game, they have a separate moral score which looks at violence, language, sexual content, occult references and other ethical issues. They point out all the questionable content they see so that Christians and parents can make an educated buying decision. Their reviews also feature a highlights box where you can quickly find the strengths, weaknesses and moral concerns of a game without having to read all of the text. No matter what religious beliefs a person has, they can count on their integrity in their reviews. They’ve been around since 1999 and are no strangers to the gaming industry. They’re on good terms with several publishers and often get sent games to review. The trouble is that they’re a volunteer run site and they can get reviews out faster if they had dedicated staff to review these games and other popular titles in a timely fashion. That’s their biggest problem.

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