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Conor O’Dwyer

Conor O'Dwyer

Conor O’Dwyer has created a Patreon as a totally optional means of supporting his creative endeavors. Right now as it stands, he won’t be uploading any additional content to it – he wont have the time between balancing the university course, work, and uploading weekly sketches. However he does hope that he can add extra content to his Patreon in time. This money would go toward supporting himself through university and toward his creative endeavours (right now he has a short film script he’s developing, and that he’s adamant about producing in the coming year, and he’s hoping to translate his sketches to the stage as well). He totally understands how we are all in wildly different financial situations and how the Pandemic has affected each and every one of us differently, so please know that there is absolutely no pressure whatsoever to sign up. You watching his videos means the world to him. So much love! Conor O’ Dwyer

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