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Daniel Lieske

Daniel Lieske

Daniel Lieske is creating The Wormworld Saga, a digital graphic novel which is available for free at By becoming their Patron, you actively support the production of new Wormworld Saga pages, as the total amount of pledges will directly translate into a fixed number of workdays that they will be able to spend every month on creating new artwork for the Wormworld Saga. As an additional incentive for your support, they’ve created a collection of rewards that you will unlock depending on the pledge tier you choose. You’ll be able to use your Patreon Account to login at and unlock the Special Content that is spread all over the website. This includes the Making Of Articles in the Art of the Wormworld Saga Digital Artbook and the Special Chapter Versions (Artwork Version and Preliminary Version with author commentary) which you can find in every chapter index. You will automatically be asked to log in, when you click on the icon of a locked piece of content. You can also log in by clicking the Patreon icon in the top right corner on the startpage. Only here on Patreon you’re able to see the latest artwork produced for the Wormworld Saga before anyone else does. The Previews come in three different levels: LOKI, RAYA, and OTOMO & THE WANDERER.

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