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Dark Force Incursion Support Page

Dark Force Incursion Support Page

For 2020, Toby and Jo at DR Games launched Dark Force incursion. It is a free roll and write, print and play, solo player game that was successful on Kickstarter with over 200 brackets. Its a fun game where you play an army that tries to recapture your homeland which has been taken by the dark forces. In 2020, Toby and Jo at DR Games spent time putting together a patron page that provides monthly content. In fact, a whole years worth of content (Jan to Dec 2021) has been uploaded already and will be appearing at the first of every month as we move through the year. It is also an opportunity to grow the community and share links and your own map creations. They like to think of Dark Force Incursion as a distraction, feeding into peoples interests for warring and gaming and escapism. By providing its guaranteed content for the following year they hope it brings a bit more enjoyment and less frustration to life and that you have some epic memories on a simple piece of paper. This page has been setup to support and provide extra content. Additional and alternative rules, new maps and a festive series have been launched in 2020 but what they felt they needed was a platform and an opportunity to provide something a bit more professional. In this way they could support this game, which is proved to be popular, and can be found on Board Game Geek. with something that is more reliable. So, to clarify if you sign up and become part of this online Dark Force incursion community, here at this page, then you will receive two maps on the first of every month. This is guaranteed and its already set up. But not just that, they will also be putting up links and other content such as design assets and templates that you yourself can use to create your own content. They have no doubt as well that there will be some more themed and exclusive rules thrown in throughout the year. Some of this content will be available on Board Game Geek for free, this does not include the monthly maps though, but a good percentage of it will also not be available widely and will be exclusive to patrons. So, they hope you like the sound of this approach and are of course keen to get your feedback on how they move forward with this perfectly formed and engaged community.

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