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Deven Rue

Deven Rue

Deven Rue is Deven Rue Cartography. You might have seen their work on Critical Role, WotC, Beadle & Grimm, Roll20, D&D Beyond, The Triangle Table, Nerdolopedia, Godsfall, and more. They make fantasy maps… highly detailed fantasy maps. They spend the majority of their time creating maps. They’re sort of obsessed but you’ll find that out soon enough if you haven’t done so already. But let’s get to the meat of this Patreon thingy, shall we? SUPPORTING DEVEN’S PATREON AND THE COMMUNITY Welp, they make maps… highly detailed maps. They spend the majority of their time creating maps. They’re sort of obsessed but you’ll find that out soon enough if you haven’t done so already. But let’s get to the meat of this Patreon thingy, shall we? Each regional/world they make takes 2-6 weeks to complete. That means if you were to commission them directly to make a map, you would be paying them 2-6 weeks of a salary. That’s a LOT of money! But then… their maps have a LOT of detail and are time consuming to make. So instead, we’re all helping each other to not only get our own worlds commissioned but maps for those who haven’t created their own or are inspired to use one they’ve already made! We’re encouraging more DMs to pick up a game and inspiring them with our worlds. But no, they don’t mass produce art. You’ll see a new piece from them at least once a month *maybe* twice a month if we’re lucky but generally it’s slow going. But the great thing is, we’re slowly amassing a library of maps that everyone can use. Want to make your own maps? They’ve got cartography classes available. The course covers a wide variety of subjects regarding earth sciences, landscapes, drawing on paper, coloring with Copic markers, resources, digital map creating, and much more. Read articles and watch videos at your leisure or join our ongoing cartography discussion on Discord. New articles are being added often. You can support Deven’s work at,, on Twitter @devenrue, on Facebook, and on Instagram @devenrue.

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