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Dilmer Valecillos

Dilmer Valecillos

Dilmer Valecillos is the creator of a small indie studio called Dilmer Games. They’ve been creating indie games for the past 5-6 years and they’ve learned a lot about the game industry such as what it takes to ship a game and also be successful while doing it. They also love to share what they’re learning while creating games either by video, tweets, GitHub, or an educational article in their blog. Their main projects right now are Demolition Co which is about a demolition company where procedurally generated buildings get created and the “player” is tasked with strategically bringing them down. Over the last few months they’ve been creating videos in YouTube, this started as an experiment to find out if their community would enjoy content through video, while they started to do it as an experiment it then became a passion, a passion for teaching, a passion for sharing their learning in YouTube.

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