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Earthsong9405 is a professional freelance artist with a love for worldbuilding, AUs, and headcanons. They love to write, and they love to draw, especially big gentle monsters and their smol partners and friends. They also enjoy playing guitar, exercising, and playing video games. They’ve been an online presence for some time now, and they’ve been lucky enough to have garnered a bunch of followers who appreciate their work as much as they appreciate them. So that does beg the question: Why Patreon? Not just because they full-time commissions and what little time they have left is spent creating content, meaning their updates are slower than they’d like them to be. And don’t get them wrong, they love their job. Their job as a freelance commission artist gives them the opportunity to draw many unique characters, and meet so many cool people. Hell, quite a few of their friends now have met through being a freelancer. So in that way, art already is their job. But they’d like for their job to become something more.

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