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Eric Marks’ Fellowship Of Photographers

Eric Marks' Fellowship Of Photographers

Eric Marks’ Fellowship Of Photographers is Eric Marks, who has been taking photos for 15 years and loving every minute of it. They have done everything from weddings and lifestyle, to landscapes and products, but they decided many years ago that their true passion was for the outdoors. That lead him to his obsession with landscape photography and teaching others how to get the most out of their cameras. Most of you probably know him from his Finding Middle Earth YouTube channel where he posts photography vlogs, tutorials, reviews, and many other videos on photography. They have been humbled by the amount of people asking them to provide a way to pay monthly for their photography training. Well, after popular demand from their legendary viewers, Patreon has made it possible for them to bring their premium photography content on a monthly basis. This means that all of THEIR viewers get to see the stuff that never makes it to YouTube like behind the scenes videos, post processing courses, their printing workflow, random daily thoughts and VLOGS, step-by-step tutorials on choosing the right cameras and lenses and much more. In everything they do, they strive to be just a little bit different from what is considered “normal.” That is why they will only be offering one payment tier so that everyone gets access to all the same great stuff at one small investment. They see so many other Patreon users creating their first few payment tiers offering things like a virtual “thank you” and “good karma” for the rest of their life. To each their own, but they want to make sure that they are always in a position where they are creating value. If they are no longer valuable to their viewers, they would not ask their viewers to pay them a dime. They want to work hard for their money and pour tons of time, knowledge, and passion into helping people discover their inner-artist…and maybe their inner-nerd.

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