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Erica Olson: Apocalypse Fashion Friday

Erica Olson: Apocalypse Fashion Friday

Erica Olson is bringing us Apocalypse Fashion Friday because we’re way beyond Casual Fridays. What started as a Pandemic Means of Cope turned into a Facebook page and then an art project. They had a big fancy writeup planned — maybe even a video — but perfection is the enemy of progress. Long story short: Erica had a really tough six months prior to starting Apocalypse Fashion Friday. As a means of coping with COVID stress and the truly awful things in their personal life, they started doing regular costume/art photoshoots. In doing so, they have tapped into an explosive rush of creativity, both in themselves and others. This spark has brought an immense amount of joy and satisfaction, but they need a little help to keep the fires burning.

Find Erica Olson: Apocalypse Fashion Friday online:


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