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Eugene is creating Music of this nature can be a deeply transformative catalyst in helping people to come ‘back in touch’ with more of themselves. Music of this nature has helped mend hearts, bring meaningful resolve to lifelong hardships, and impart memorable experiences, among many other things. Many people are coming forth in this time of transformation with their own emerging gifts and talents, to help light the way for all of us to remind us that we are all part of something bigger. In Eugene’s astounding experiences and realizations in this life, they have come to know that this calling is their spiritual joy and purpose as well… helping people ‘re-member’ themselves in true empowerment, through the unique avenue of musical healing. They have seen the profound impact that this music can have in liberating people’s imagination, and inspiring their truest self. So, they have set out to chronicle their ongoing creations via this platform… as they grow in their own journey, every step of the way with love and excitement that it will help others alongside them.

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