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Fantasy Birding

Fantasy Birding

Fantasy Birding is a set of games that offer a fun, educational way to explore the world and its wildlife virtually, and to get a taste of the thrills of a popular sport at its highest level. Like other fantasy sports, FanBird lets ordinary you earn points for accomplishments by real-life superathletes. Unlike other fantasy sports, the line between you and them isn’t much of a line at all! That’s because in FanBird, you get credit for birds reported to the amazing, free citizen-science portal eBird. All you do is pick your virtual locations on a map in advance, and anyone who goes out real-life birding in that neighborhood might just track down some new species for your list. The fun lies in strategizing your travels, quizzing yourself as birds appear on your screen in real time…and of course, sharing tips and trash-talk with your competitors in a Big Day or Big Year. You’ll be surprised by how much you learn along the way! Fantasy Birding has been purely a labor of love for me — a side project run with very limited free time and resources — and I’ve been amazed and thrilled by how much attention it’s gotten. I’m 100% committed to keeping it purely non-commercial, and to providing the personal support that my players deserve. And I’ve got a growing list of new features and upgrades that I’m eager to work on. But with more and more players coming on board, I’ve hit the limit of what I can take on without your support. So for those of you willing and able to chip in a few bucks to help keep Fantasy Birding afloat and growing, I’ve come up with some fun perks that you can read about below. Enjoy! And thanks!

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