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Gaming Geek

Gaming Geek

Gaming Geek is having fun with their Youtube channel and sharing their passion with other gamers and hobbyists. Patrons have really helped their channel go the next level and they have been able to explore more games and terrain options. They recently learned of Patreon’s policy that bans giveaways and raffles so they have changed to a monthly “GamingGeek Gratitude Gift” which is now decided by Bob the Beholder. They say that Bob uses sophisticated algorithms and complex maths that they can’t entirely understand, but suffice to say it is absolutely and positively NOT a random draw. Also, if this were a random draw, (which it definitely isn’t) then it is helpful to think about it like buying raffle tickets–the more raffle tickets you buy, the better chance you have of winning. If you don’t win this month’s prize, then your ticket is still valid for the subsequent months. Your tickets are only wiped out and you start over if you win something or you stop being a patron. But, since Bob is choosing the recipient in a completely non-random way, definitely not by using the random number generator easily googled, this is all just theoretical. Bob’s a Beholder with an intelligence of 25 and they only have intelligence 13 so who knows how they make their picks? Regardless of whether or not Bob picks you for the monthly “GamingGeek Gratitude Gift”, they just want to say thank you so much for any amount of support and love that you give them. They hope that their content is helpful for you as a fellow gamer and hobbyist.

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