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GJ Kelly

GJ Kelly

GJ Kelly is an independent author, and their novels can be found on all of the major e-book publishing platforms. It wasn’t always so; once upon a time they had a career as a Technical Author and Knowledge Manager, but then the corporation downsized as corporations do and they found themselves receiving ‘an opportunity to seek new challenges elsewhere’. It was the worst of times, and then it was the best of times, huzzah! For why? For they grabbed their savings and their keyboard with both hands, and decided to live the dream and become master of their own destiny. And now here they are, creating the destiny of entire worlds! A complete epic saga of thirteen books (The Longsword Chronicles, The Shi’ell), a five-volume epic fantasy series The Six Concentrics and now a new fantasy series (A Newland Tale) – and yes, they really are living in a garret! And with Patreon helping to keep the wolves from the door and the barbarians from the gates, they can carry on creating the characters, their worlds, and the adventures their readers love… and share exclusive content about their books and writing here with all of their patrons.

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