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Good Old Days Gaming

Good Old Days Gaming

Good Old Days Gaming is Bill, a relatively new gaming content creator on YouTube who focuses on many classic games from the NES through today, doing casual Let’s Plays, reviews, and even more specific topic videos. Bill’s desire with their videos is to give viewers some casual downtime that is nostalgic, lighthearted, and potentially humorous, so that they can temporarily escape the harsh realities of life. Bill tries to keep any vulgar talk completely absent or at least very minimal, and Bill is not typically loud. Bill likes to casually tell stories and share memories related to the game they are playing, and often Bill goes on deep life tangents. Bill is down-to-earth and may at times even discuss a more serious topic that they feel viewers could relate to, such as mental illness. As someone who battles depression and anxiety, Bill aims to reach others battling dark thoughts and give them a lighter subject to focus on, or even just share a story they could relate to – anything to keep bad things at bay or make them feel less alone. Occasionally Bill will stray from their introspective ways and make an overly happy video.

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