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Grissi und Magsi

Grissi und Magsi

Grissi und Magsi are Grissi and Magsi from “Im Autokino.” Since the beginning of 2016 they have been inviting listeners on a regular basis to join them on their car bench to chat about movies and series. Before that, they really drove a car, but it wasn’t so good for Magsi’s lease contract. Since then they have been like ordinary podcasters sitting at home, in the beer garden, or in various corners of their hometown of Aschaffenburg. They cram in podcasts, anecdotes, series, films, a lot of humor and not completely serious – the main plan the two want to write since over 4 years and over 120 episodes. It may not be perfect … but it should be funny. Why should one use the Pledge of “Im Autokino”? Well: They have created numerous formats which have never been seen before, in which at least as much work and joy as the regular podcast and have a complementary value for the listeners than, for example, the intimate hour, Zettelwirtschaft, car license plate XY, the first Proseccolaune season, the Top 100 Aschebersch Gods etc. – they have now long been in a pool of about 340+ separate episodes which are not found in the regular feed. In addition to tours, gigs on podcasts festivals, etc. What happens in the podcast “Im Autokino”? Reviews, anecdotes, series, films, a lot of humor and not completely serious – that’s the rough schedule the two want to write since over 4 years and over 120 episodes. It may not be perfect … but it should be funny. Why should someone use the Pledge of “Im Autokino”? Well: They have established numerous formats which have never been seen before, in which at least as much work and joy as the regular podcast and have a complementary value for the listeners as well as the intimate hour, Zettelwirtschaft, car license plate XY, the first Proseccolaune season and the Top 100 Aschebersch Gods etc. They have long since proven with their podcasts, special formats and live shows that they are very creative and like to do that for a long time with necessary seriousness and the right work ethic. Therefore, the thing is very important to them and should also be a consumer. They would like to thank you for the support and are happy to see new ones who come. <3 Grissi & Magsi

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