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Hatman is a YouTuber. They have not set tiers for Patreon because they’re not begging or telling you what you perhaps could donate… or seeking to bribe you with gimmicks. They also don’t usually shill their links because, frankly, they’re not a salesman. It’s not their style, and they’re crap at organizing, not to mention their time is often tied up with real-life responsibilities and obligations. At some stage when they have more time to dedicate to fixed and regular contact, then they can add a focus on perks and so on for monthly contributors. For now though, off-line life is often very busy and it would be unfair to offer thinks they don’t really have time to deliver on, but also couldn’t deliver very well if they forced it.So Patreon, for them, is purely about what you would like to donate, if anything. There’s no pressure, they have no expectations, and if you are generous enough to donate to little old them, you’ll have their gratitude. They hope you’ll see them around on their channel – – or on their Twitter – their discord, you’ll either need to get the link when they’re livestreaming, or let them know on Twitter.

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