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History You Won’t Learn In School

History You Won't Learn In School

History You Won’t Learn In School is Avery, a writer, educator, and leftist from Lorain, OH. They’re an adjunct professor of American History and American Government and Politics at Notre Dame College. Avery’s research, writing, and teaching interests include a Black-queering of history by interrogating social inequalities and systemic injustices throughout U.S. history, Black queer feminism, the socio-political foundations and application of the politics of desire, and popular & visual culture. Avery is also the cohost of Drag From The Left, a podcast the engages the art of drag from a radical, leftist perspective. Through their teaching, writing, and podcasting, Avery is dedicated to a liberatory pedagogy that centers on the voices and experiences of marginalized groups that have historically been silenced. They hold a MA in American Studies from Youngstown State University and a BA in Sociology from the University of Akron.

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