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How C*m Podcast

How C*m Podcast is a podcast by Remy Kassimir, NYC comedian and host of the podcast. How C*m started because at the ripe old age of 27 Remy had still NEVER had an orgasm. Not alone, not with a toy, never. Remy set out on a journey to make it happen. Every week Remy has different people weigh in on the subject; doctors, actors, authors, comedians etc. They share their first time cumming experience with Remy, and then give Remy an assignment. BY EPISODE 6 Remy CAME (HOORAY!) but the pod didn’t end there. There was so much more to learn and as Remy realized how many of her fans/ people out there are also not cumming, Remy decided not to stop until the pleasure gap is CLOSED and everyone can cum.

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