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Ian Boldsworth

Ian Boldsworth

Ian Boldsworth is in production on The Rocky Robot Show, which is an animated comedy about a puppet robot who is trying to become an internet star. They have been learning animation from scratch, as well as drawing all the elements, and they update on the progress of this as it comes along. Every Sunday they do an Art post, where they show progress pictures and completed works, which range from ink drawing, building and painting, and they are also writing a book called The Scarecrow Club, which they present a new chapter from every Thursday. All of this is cushioned by written work and videos, and general “blog” style stuff. They absolutely believe in the concept of direct supply to those who are interested in their stuff. It’s freeing from their side, simple from yours, and is a complete reveal of the creative process, along with the finished work. If you’re interested in their previous stuff then you’ll like it. If you’re interested in the creative process then you’ll like it. If you want to support independent work that is unhindered by industry interference then you’ll like it. If you want to support one of those Patreon pages that is rarely updated and a smash and grab, then it’s not for you.

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