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IDIOSKRATIJA is opening a patreon to be able to make even better videos, but also to have a platform to make the videos reach a better quality. They will still obviously regularly uploads on youtube, but due to various problems with monetization, decided to open this platform, because you never know. Due to you the videos will be even better and will come out more often, if someone can donate. The goal is that, like before on the youtube channel, the content will be varied so everyone can find what they’re looking for, but their main goal is to learn something from every subject, whether it be mysteries, urban legends, conspiracy theories, unsolved cases, etc. At the end, they want to find the truth, but also want us the audience to think critically and create a better community, so by supporting this channel, you can help the channel’s further development. The promise to also deliver clips “behind the scenes”, and giveaways (t-shirts and so on).

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