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Improv Cincinnati

Improv Cincinnati

Improv Cincinnati is about lifting spirits and inspiring personal growth. The pandemic has been a hindrance to the progress that they were making toward their ultimate goal of becoming a comedy destination. They were forced to cancel in-person shows and reduce their class sizes, effectively eliminating 80% of their revenue. They could’ve sulked in a corner, but they refused to let the misfortune of 2020 shatter their spirits. If improv has taught them anything, it’s how to adapt and go with the flow. Improv Cincinnati believes in its mission to create hilarious performances, transformative classes, dynamic podcasts, and a thriving, positive community. They are super excited about the two new podcasts they created for the greater improv community. Improv Touchstones is an interview podcast where they speak to improvisers who have changed the landscape of the artform. Guests have included some of the best improvis performers in the world, including Colin Mochrie, Brad Sherwood, and Greg Proops. Their performance podcast is Yeti Or Not, which is improvised live by a cast of veteran improvisers and aurally-enhanced by post production. Both of these podcasts are available for free on all podcast platforms. Despite the veritable shutdown of their theatre, they continued offering performances remotely over Facebook and Twitch. These complimentary shows have connected them with legendary improvisers from all over America. Their house teams have been given the opportunity to continue their growth with monthly online performances. Once the pandemic ends, they will be returning with full force to live performances.

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