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Janika Hoffmann

Janika Hoffmann

Janika Hoffmann is inviting you to their writing studio. They are a true northling who now lives in south Hesse. Since their 12th life year, they have been writing stories. It all started with the first draft of “Draconic Claw The Claw of Morero”. They have published many books since then. Their stories sometimes appear in collaboration with various publishers, sometimes as self-publishing. And that’s not all. They also write short stories, and these often appear in anthologies of various publishers. The writer has a huge pile of ideas in their head. There are different storylines for standalone novels, series, new series or just single stories. It will not be enough of a life span to write all of them down. The reason is also time. In daily life, I often meet people who think I am rich because I’m an author. Well actually, the literary world is a hard patch if it comes to earning with it. The wonderful colleagues, events, and their own velvet charm are definitely a big plus, and lead to the fact that I have irrevocably fallen in love with writing. So I dared to start as a self-employed writer in September 2020. Since then, I have earned my living from the income of my books, my merch, my livestreams on Twitch and your support here on Patreon.
Some of you will likely shake your head and say it’s very risky. And you’re right! It’s my dream, and I love to put effort into it. Here on Patreon and in my Twitch livestreams, you can watch over my shoulder. On Twitch, I read aloud, show excerpts from the worldbuilding, and tell you about my daily life as a full-time author.
Even though there are rewards that are due monthly or every two weeks, they will be dispatched in October or April regardless of the support start date. I want everyone here to feel welcome. That’s the great thing about the world of ink and words. It does not matter who we are and where we come from. We are all equally invited to immerse ourselves in foreign worlds, dream and hang our hearts on characters and creatures made of paper and ink. It is an invitation to enter and explore my writing studio. Those who step over the threshold will become part of the community. I look forward to showing you everything and taking you on new adventures together. Love, your Janika

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