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Joe Flower & Harmony Breeze

Joe Flower & Harmony Breeze

Joe Flower & Harmony Breeze are tripping the light fantastic at the 50th Anniversary of Woodstock and will soon begin editing their journey East from California to New York, home of Yasgur’s Farm and the site of the 1969 Woodstock Festival now known as Bethel Woods Center for the Arts. They have captured video of their travels and conversations with hippies who saw it all, others who saw flashes and fragments, and over time will be piecing it all together to create a snapshot movie of what – if anything – the Woodstock generation legacy of peace, love and music means to modern day America, indeed if it means anything anymore to the world. This Patreon page is where the content for that trip will live and grow. For those new to Patreon, here’s a brief explanation: This is different from sites like Kickstarter & GoFundMe (where you make a one-time donation to a specific project). Here, you would be agreeing to make a smaller recurring monthly pledge to help sustain the artist’s art/writings/work more generally. Just pick the amount you want to pledge each month, enter your payment information, and that’s it! You will then have access to some or all of the patron-only posts on this site, which will include lots of free, in-progress and/or unreleased video and material. If you want to learn more, here is a short video about Patreon.

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