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John Bonini

John Bonini

John Bonini is creating a private Patreon group for marketers looking to level up and actually grow their numbers and businesses through content marketing. Content has gotten harder. Maybe. It has changed. Definitely. Is there still an investment? No question. Here, they’ll be sharing the strategy and tactics that have worked for them (across several companies, both well-funded and bootstrapped) over the years, the processes and frameworks they share with their teams, exclusive interviews with some of the most prolific content marketers on the planet (all tactics, no fluff), examples of effective content marketing happening right now, and everything they’re learning as they go. This isnt just theory. This is practical stuff. This group is for the bloggers. The podcasters. The video script writers. Copywriters. Email marketers. For those who are fighting through traffic plateaus. Who obsess over the positioning and presentation of content in order to move the needle on conversions and sales. It’s for those of us who don’t spend tens of thousands on paid ads every month or rock old, outdated methods of sales prospecting in order to grow. Instead, we rely on good content marketing in order to grow our numbers and businesses.

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