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José Malvárez Carleos

José Malvrez Carleos is Piuley, the home of stories. They are Jos Malvrez Carleos, and they love stories, just like everyone else. They enjoy both reading and creating them, so a few years ago, they set the goal of creating a new story and drawing something everyday. Recently, they expanded this to also creating a comic page. They use all of the funds from patrons to create new stories each day, guaranteed. As an appreciation to the subscribers, they will offer all the daily progress updates, and the PDF collections of stories from El Hogar de las Historias. These include: the comics of Narrador and La Posada de las Historias, set in a world where everything revolves around small spheres containing stories. the stories of Apuntes de diario, improvised every day and themed variably. the series of teenage comedy Los, narrating the daily life of students and their crazy adventures. and the comic strips of Lo que debera, where they react to the everyday craziness in news of society, culture, and video games. But maybe one day, they will be able to recover and create more series that you would like. Happy reading!

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