Get new creators in your inbox weekly for free: is Josh Keegan. They run They have had a very wide ranging career including: CEO, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Blogger, Mentor, Contractor and Drone Guy. The most important job they’ve had is being Dad to two (2) girls and husband to one (1) wife. The aim is to combine their passions, knowledge and experience giving rise to a series of videos on drones, aerospace, technology and coffee to inform, educate and ultimately, inspire others. My videos offer a mature, informative and mildly amusing good content that appeals to the geek in all of us! By supporting them here on, you are helping to support the immense investment in time, energy and money to they put into each production. Supporting them means they are able to supply you with relief, sanity and education without all of the crap all of us encounter on every social media platform. It’s just them – not some team behind what they do. Series out now on YouTube: The Space Down Under – Highlighting the hard-working people and companies behind the Australian Space Industry; Aviation Corner – A series about Australian Aviation.

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